Monday 17 November 2014

Compare and Contrast

Comparison or Contrast essay is an essay in which you either compare something or contrast something. A comparison essay is an essay in which you emphasize the similarities, and a contrast essay is an essay in which you emphasize the differences.
  • Connectors that show comparison (similarities):
              ƒIn additon       ƒCorrespondingly        Compared to        Similarly        Just as        As well as 

              Likewise          Same as                        At the same time
  • Connectors that show contrast (differences):
              However        On the contrary        On the other hand        Even though        In contrast
              Although        Unlike                     Conversely                  Meanwhile           Not as (so)... as
              Comparative adjectives

Some worksheets to practice the use of these transition words:
How to write a comparison/contrast essay:
Paragraph 1: State what the topic is about and say the subjects have similarities and differences. Let the reader know your preference. There are several different ways to write the first paragraph of an essay. The thesis sentence will be the last in the paragraph and should be soecific (related to the topic). A couple of examples: Online and paper-based portfolios - What the World Eats
Paragraph 2Mention some of the similarities. Use expressions like - One similarity - Another point they have in common - A further similarity - Also, or any of the ones previously mentioned.
Paragraph 3: Mention some of the differences. Use expressions like -One difference is - Another difference is - A further dissimilarity - Also... or any of hte ones previously mentioned
Paragraph 4:Decide if there were more similarities or differences between the 2. State which of the options you prefer and give at least 3 reasons to justify your choice. You need to write at least 3 sentences to explain your choice.

Compare and Contrast Structures:
 Both New York City and Boston are on the East coast of the USA.
 Each city has its own Universities.
Neither city has a soccer team.
Neither… nor
Neither NYC nor Boston has high mountains.
Not as... as
 Boston is not as cold as NYC
Comparative adjectives
 NYC is bigger than Boston.


Here is an example and a graphic organiser you can use, and some topics to practice:
  1. Vacationing in the City or at the Beach
  2. Big city or Small Cit
  3. Eating Fresh Foods or Canned Foods
  4. Backpacking or Staying in Hotels
  5. Aerobic Training verses Anaerobic Training
  6. Stick Shift or Automatic
  7. Two Great European Cities, Paris and London
  8. Mac or PC
  9. Vacationing at the Beach or in the Mountains

Monday 10 November 2014

Verb tenses

Verb tenses, explanations. Uses and structure.

The following website contains information on verb tenses, as well as exercises to practice:
Table of English tenses, with examples, and interactive exercises.
Another website with explanations and exercises: English Tenses
Some other websites to get more practice:

Passive Voice

A brief explanation. Usage of passive voice and how to change from active to passive voice:

Some websites with exercises:

Wednesday 5 November 2014

The second languages of every part of the world in an incredible infographic!

The website is a resource for people looking to move abroad.
It has released this eye-opening infographic that shows the second language of every region across the globe. Some are rather predictable, like Canada's knowledge of French. 
But others are very telling about the histories of certain regions and how our global story has played out over hundreds of years.
Take a look at what the website compiled. Click to read more.

Monday 3 November 2014